Unfortunately we have limited stock of Traditional miniature train set available for Express delivery. You have reached the maximum quantity you can order for Express delivery. If you need more, please add the item and the additional quantity you require to a Standard delivery order.
SKU: 24739
Traditional miniature train set, with battery powered miniature locomotive with passenger carriage, wagons and easy to set up click-together track. Instructions are included on the back of the box. Relive the great era of passenger and goods rail conveyance.
The set includes:
Care instructions:
Warning! Choking hazard. Not suitable for children under the age of 3 years.
Safety and Care
Safety information:
Warning! Choking hazard; small parts. Not for children under 3 years. Please remove all packaging and attachments before giving to a child. Please retain packaging for future reference. Battery care: Adult battery installation required. Make sure the battery is inserted at the correct polarity.
Product details
Packaged dimensions: width: 29.5cm, length: 3.2cm, height: 17.2cm, weight: 225g