Unfortunately we have limited stock of Seed pops - Wildflower seeds (assorted) available for Express delivery. You have reached the maximum quantity you can order for Express delivery. If you need more, please add the item and the additional quantity you require to a Standard delivery order.
SKU: 30481
A collection of two varieties of wildflower seed pops, perfect for attracting pollinating insects into the garden and supporting biodiversity. These contain a mixture of seeds and compost, tailored for two particular pollinators: butterflies and ladybirds.
Ideal for beginners wanting to start a biodiverse garden, these can be simply planted into soil (can be in a container or directly in the ground), then watered twice weekly to produce beautiful wildflowers. The wooden stick acts as a marker.
The two varieties of seed pop included are:
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Product details
Packaged dimensions: width: 6.2cm, length: 14.5cm, height: 3.0cm, weight: 40.0g