Unfortunately we have limited stock of Mini croquet set available for Express delivery. You have reached the maximum quantity you can order for Express delivery. If you need more, please add the item and the additional quantity you require to a Standard delivery order.
SKU: 30407
Simple and fun miniature croquet set, with everything needed to play exciting and competitive games against friends and family.
Two players (or two teams of two) can play the game. Set up a course with the gates and posts, then take turns to hit two balls through the gates and hit the finish post at the end. The first player or team to complete the course and hit the finish post with both of their balls wins the game!
The set includes:
Safety information:
Safety and Care
Safety information:
Warning! Choking hazard; small parts. Not for children under 3 years.
Product details
Packaged dimensions: width: 18.2cm, length: 22.7cm, height: 3.2cm, weight: 285.0g