Unfortunately we have limited stock of Hot water bottle - Wild Flowers available for Express delivery. You have reached the maximum quantity you can order for Express delivery. If you need more, please add the item and the additional quantity you require to a Standard delivery order.
SKU: 30284
Hot water bottle with a lovely soft quilted cover, decorated with our Wild Flowers print.
Safety information:
Care guidance:
Safety and Care
Safety information:
Do not fill with boiling water.
Only fill the bottle to two thirds of capacity.
Make sure stopper is secured tightly.
Do not lay or sit on the bottle.
Care guidance:
Store the bottle empty and with stopper removed.
Remove cover from bottle before washing. Hand wash or wash at 40°C. Do not bleach, tumble dry, iron, or dry clean.
Product details
Packaged dimensions: width: 25.5cm, length: 34.0cm, height: 5.5cm, weight: 457.0g