Unfortunately we have limited stock of Flask and cup - Sharks available for Express delivery. You have reached the maximum quantity you can order for Express delivery. If you need more, please add the item and the additional quantity you require to a Standard delivery order.
SKU: 29575
This Sharks stainless steel vacuum flask, with combined plastic cup and lid, will keep drinks warm, and is a great alternative to single-use coffee cups.
Safety and Care
Safety information:
Do not overfill; hot food and liquids can burn
Push-top stopper to prevent leakage
Care guidance:
Do not microwave or freeze
Not dishwasher safe
Dairy beverages, juices, and alcohol can cause pressure build up and lid failure
Product details
Packaged dimensions: width: 7.5cm, length: 7.5cm, height: 22.0cm, weight: 312.0g